Drama-based instruction as a strategy to enhance oral skills in university EFL students
Armijos Rueda, Nathaly Patricia
This research synthesis aimed to determine the effects of using drama-based instruction
to enhance speaking skills in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. Twenty-one
studies that used drama-based instruction and strategies to teach speaking skills were analyzed.
All the studies were selected according to some inclusion criteria, which involved the
participants' age, native language, and English Level. Additionally, all the studies were
analyzed in-depth, and six categories were established to understand the effects of using dramabased instruction on speaking skills development. The results showed many advantages of
using drama-based instruction, such as motivation and confidence, teamwork, imagination,
leveling down anxiety, and improving students' performance, among others. However, some
studies also showed some disadvantages of implementing this type of instruction in the EFL
classroom. Lastly, the findings showed that overall drama-based instruction is a suitable
strategy that can help students' oral skills. Further research is recommended in order to analyze
how drama-based instruction can be used in a Latin-American context.