Señalización turística para los Petroglifos de Catazho en la comunidad de San José, cantón Limón Indanza
Hurtado Guzmán, Angel Ramiro
Thepresentmonographis a proposedtouristsignsforan importan group of Petroglyphs Catazho located in thecommunity of San Jose in thecantonLimon Indanza includingtheroads and trailsforobservation and visitthisarchaeologicalresource. Thisresearchisdividedintothreechapters.
Thefirstchapterdevelopsthebasics of rock art and bringstogetherrelevantinformationthePetroglyphs Catazho, the diagnosis of thelocationarea and defines thearea of thetouristsignsaccording to existingroads and trailsobservation.
Thesecondchaptercontainsthetopographicalsurvey of trails and trailsforobservation and visitthePetroglyphs Catazho; theroad Indanza - San josé - San Miguel de Conchay whichcrossestheareafromnorth to south, theroad to thecommunity of San Rafael on a stretch of 200 meters, theoldmule San Jose - Centro de Acopio and access to Campo Alegre RecreationArea. And thecollection of information of thepetroglyphslocatedtogetherwith to theaforementionedroutes and trails.
And in thethirdchapterdevelopstheproposal of signage to be appliedaccording to theguidelines of the Manual SignalingTouristMinistry of Tourism of Ecuador in accordance to Routes and trails, petroglyphs and specificinformationincludingconceptualization, technicalcharacteristics and applicationcosts.