Frecuencia de tumores del sistema nervioso central en niños de 0 a 15 años: SOLCA, Cuenca, 1998 a 2005
Flores Guapisaca, Andrea Paola
Franco Maldonado, Heydy Sailé
Torres Rojas, Victoria Esperanza
Determine the frequency and clinical manifestations of central nervous system tumors in children aged 0-15 years SOLCA Institute - Cuenca, from January 1998 to December 2005.Materiales and Methods: Our research is based on a study clinico Description 45 children of 0-15 years diagnosed with tumors registered in the system SOLCA Institute during January 1998 to December 2005. Central Nervous The same was done through data collection archived medical records department Statistical Institute SOLCA. Conclusions: Of the cancer patients who attended the Institute SOLCA - Cuenca in the period from January 1998 to December 2005; the 0.55corresponde patients under 15 diagnosed with tumors of the central nervous system. The male gender was affected with a ratio 1.6: 1 and the most affected age group was 5-9 years. The most frequent reason for consultation was headache and vomiting with 20.91y the main clinical manifestations were headache (16.76) vomiting (16.76), gait disturbance (12.4) and cranial nerve impairment (10.8), mainly the II, III, IV, VI, VII and IX. The additional examination was the most used TAC (65.5) and MRI (34.4). The most common tumors were medulloblastoma (35.5), astrocytoma (33.3) and glioblastoma (22.2) located more frequently in the infratentorial region. The 24.44de patients received combined treatment with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery; the most used chemotherapeutic agents were: Vincristine, Cisplatin and Lomusine. Regarding the evolution 37.7tiene an unknown evolution, 33.3mueren tumor, the tumor 15.5se are alive with activity, 8.8vivos without tumor activity and 4.4 deaths for other reasons