Niñez migrante no acompañada y la política migratoria en el cantón Cuenca
Cantos Guamán, Marcela Maribel
The objective of this research was to demonstrate the violation of rights suffered by migrant children not accompanied by Cuenca, through the case study, which is verified as emblematic in society; and that allows to know the true reality to which children who migrate alone on an irregular basis to the United States are exposed. In the first chapter a brief reference is made of the general and conceptual aspects that address the issue of unaccompanied migrant children, as well as what has been the historical process of migration in the country and since when the presence of children has been considered in the migratory processes. In the second chapter reference is made to the methodology applied in the research work, being the same case study that leads to know which are the main risks suffered by unaccompanied migrant children. In the third chapter it is indicated which is the international and national regulations that support the migratory policies, and if they have been effective to give a timely response to the rights that have been violated against migrant children. Hence the importance of research because it seeks to show whether the law and policies are being effective in the context of prevention, care and restitution of rights, or have been left in mere statements.