Prevalencia de la posición de terceros molares mandibulares según la clasificación de Sandhu y kaur. Junio 2016
Clavijo Jaramillo, María Cristina
Serrano Cisneros, Juan José
Unerupted third molar extraction is the most common surgical procedure in dentistry due to the known association with the development of different pathological conditions. That is why most of the times they are removed for prophylactic reasons, taking interceptive or preventive action to avoid the appearance of unwanted clinical symptoms in the patient.
For the diagnostic and treatment plan done previously to the third molar extraction, it is necessary to take a panoramic radiography of the patient, afterwards the course of action is decided. For this we propose the use of a new classification written by Sandhu & Kaur, this allows us to determine the third molar inclination with the adjacent second molar.
The general objective of this study was to establish the prevalence of mandibular third molars with the basis of the classification proposed by Sandhu & Kaur; 400 panoramic radiographs, obtained from the Centro de Rayos X & Imagen were observed, which resulted in the study of 688 inferior third molars.
The results showed a bigger prevalence of the mesioangular position in both genders, as well as in the 17 to 26 years age group; while the over 26 years age group resulted in the vertical position being the most numerous one. The data obtained matches the revised scientific evidence for this study.