Percepción de personas ex privadas de la libertad del Centro de Rehabilitación Social Macas acerca de la reinserción laboral en el periodo 2020 – 2021
Moscoso Zúñiga, Nancy Cumandá
Ramón Patiño, Wendy Vanesa
The Ecuadorian State has a historical debt with people deprived of liberty and
former deprived of liberty; because, although legal documents are guarantors of rights,
the practice is different and leaves the Social Rehabilitation System without the attention
it requires, which translates into the violation of the rights of this priority group. That is
why this research seeks to understand this reality from the perspective of former persons
deprived of liberty, to investigate and describe how their process of labor rehabilitation
and subsequent work reintegration has been; and how personal and contextual factors
influence so that you can have effective rehabilitation and work reintegration despite not
having an ideal space within the Macas Social Rehabilitation Center. The research was of
a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory approach, 7 former persons deprived of liberty
participated, to whom, a semi-structured interview was applied to collect the perceptions
in their rehabilitation and labor reintegration process after having served a custodial
sentence. The results have made it possible to describe the process experienced by people
deprived of liberty, in some cases of discrimination; in others, the support of their social
and family networks. According to the results obtained, we can conclude that CRS Macas
does not provide the guarantee for a successful process of rehabilitation and reintegration
of persons deprived of liberty; since there is no responsibility of the State in the process,
for which the labor reintegration, after the recovery of freedom is a personal process and
the result of individual self-regulation and the socio-family support that formerprisoners
of freedom receive, outside of the CRS