Percepciones sobre el embarazo adolescente en la parroquia Chiquintad, del cantón Cuenca, Ecuador 2018
Guamán González, Johanna Valeria
Garrido Álvarez, Gabriela Estefanía
In Ecuador and other countries on Latin America, adolescent pregnancy represents one of the most controversial issues, since it is not indifferent that the problem has already been happening for several decades ago; however, the way in which it’s justified and the way to prevent are different now.
In 2010, the INEC mentions that, at a national level, adolescent women with at least one child born alive has a rate of 107,20; and the most outstanding cities are: Machala with a rate of 101,89, Guayaquil with 94,02, Quito with 78,85, Cuenca with 67,38 and Ambato with a rate of 66,76.
Main objective: To determine the perceptions about adolescent pregnancy in the population of the Chiquintad parish, Cuenca, Ecuador. January - June 2018.
Methodology: The present research is qualitative, phenomenological, the techniques used were in-depth interviews and focus groups, the sampling was formed according to convenience criteria, the obtained data was recorded and transcribed in Word format, and were processed in the software of qualitative analysis Atlas.Ti.
Results: According to the data obtained, it was concluded that adolescent pregnancy is a frequent situation in the parish, it occurs at an early and inopportune stage for the maturity of an adolescent, being the main cause the family breakdown, mainly caused by migration and lack of authority at home, in addition to other factors such as: curiosity, search for new experiences, defense mechanism against family problems, inappropriate information on the Internet / social networks, as well as drug use and alcohol