Conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas en salud oral con el Indice Hiroshima University Dental Behavior Inventory hu-dbi en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas 2015-2016 de la Universidad de Cuenca
Vélez, María Vanessa
Viteri Cevallos, María José
The oral health care is essential to prevent oral diseases such as caries and periodontal disease. In dentistry, prevention plays a key role in preserving health; the objective of this research was to distinguish the level of attitudes and practices of oral health with Hiroshima University Dental Behavior Inventory (HU-DBI) in the students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at the University of Cuenca in the period 2015-2016. The index HU-DBI includes 20 dichotomous questions valued at a maximum of 12 the attitudes and behaviors of the participants. A total of 2007 surveys were completed, representing 79.64% of all students; the non-parametric test U-.Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis was used, also the Chi-square statistic for data analysis was used. In the students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences the HU-DBI score was 6.51 (SD 1.48) which means "regular" , there was no statistically significant difference between sex, origin and race and two of the predominant concerns among students was the color of their teeth (87.69%) and bad breath of their mouth (94.92%). Having obtained a regular index, it is necessary to encourage the students and people in general to have better oral care to avoid future diseases