Incidencia de infección de vías urinarias en los comerciantes pertenecientes a la Organización 9 de Enero, Cuenca, 2018
Herrera Alvarracín, Roxana Gabriela
Ramos Ugalde, Paul Esteban
The urinary tract infection (UTI) is a disease caused by uropathogens that colonize the periurethral mucosa. The bacteria that cause UTI often come from the digestive tract that ascends to the genito-urethral area causing the pathology.
The main objective of the current research was to determine the incidence of UTI in retail traders of the Azuay who belong to the organization January 9.
With regard to the methodology, is a descriptive, transversal, prospective study; we analyzed 110 retail traders, urine samples were collected for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection through elementary and microscopic examination of urine confirming with urine culture along with its susceptibility profile. The results obtained were examined in the SPSS software version 20.0 for their respective tabulation and analysis.
In respect to outcomes, the incidence of UTI was 15.5% with EMO and positive urine culture, the etiological agents isolated were Escherichia coli with sensitivity of 100% against fosfomycin, nitrofurantoin and resistance to quinolones with 52.94% and aminoglycosides 17.65%; Proteus vulgaris showed resistance to aminoglycosides of 5.88% and quinolones 11.76%. The sex with the highest frequency of UTI were women from 38 to 47 years of age with 35.29%. The most common symptoms associated with urinary infection were burning on urination with 29.42%, followed by pain on urination with 17.65%.
To conclude, the incidence of IVU found in the retail traders of the association 9 of January in the period September 2018 - January 2019 was 15.5%, women were the predominant sex, being significant since the results obtained provide epidemiological data to the city contributing to health personnel knowing their real health status.