Evaluación de la calidad microbiológica del agua de la planta de potabilización de la parroquia San José de Morona-Tiwintza y su relación con la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinales
Chin Uzhca, Elvia Marlene
Fárez Chalco, Mónica Catalina
Thisstudy wasmade inthe parish of SanJosé deMoronaand communitiesShakaime, Puerto MoronaandLa Uniónbelongingto the cantonTiwintzaprovince ofMoronaSantiagoandaimed toassessthe microbiological quality ofwater from thewater treatment plantthat suppliesthis parishand relate it to the prevalenceof intestinal parasites inchildren of thesector.
For microbiologicalanalysis of watersamples94, 14 important points of thewater treatment plantand 80 inproperty, taken by twoweeklyrandomsamplingin the centralpart ofthe parish of SanJosé deMoronaand their communities.
To determinethe prevalenceof intestinal parasites, 105stool samples fromchildren of the Education Unit Real Audiencia deQuito of SanJose deMorona, who areprovidedthe necessary data forthe sampleanalyzed.
As quality indicatorsfor microbiologicalanalysis of watercountsfortotal and fecalfermentationtechniquefor calculatingmultiple tubeMost Probable Numbercoliformwas used.
Inregards to theanalysisparasite thedirectobservationmethodof etiological agentsfresh was used.
The results showedthat 100% of thewatersamplesanalyzed,showed increased levelsoftotal and fecalcoliforms.Furthermoreit was found that72.3%of children inthe schoolwere parasitized.