Análisis de contenido del programa “caída y limpia” transmitido a través de la emisora “FM 88”, durante el periodo diciembre 2015 - marzo 2016
Castro Palacios, Sonia Alexandra
The goal of this research is to know about the type of content that the Caída and Limpia program transmits through the local broadcasting station Fm 88; we try to contribute with concepts and statistical data through the technique of content analysis. This shows the quality of the messages broadcast, through the radio formats with entertainment classification.
The first chapter deals with aspects related to history, the concepts of content analysis, the application of the technique.
The second chapter dealt with the radio’s history, with the first radio transmissions in Ecuador and Cuenca, the initial stages of the station Fm 88.
In the third chapter, it is shown how the economic, political and advertising powers play an important role in the production, creation and diffusion of the news and entertainment spaces.
In the fourth chapter, we present the way we worked with the audios obtained from the Caida y Limpia program broadcasted in the months of December 2015 through March 2016 related to the intervention or sample analysis. In addition. In the fifth chapter, the content analysis was done for this, tables were made in Microsoft Excel from which statistics were obtained that allowed graphs elaboration that showed the type of subjects that are transmitted in the air.