Diseño de anteproyecto arquitectónico de cementerio para la comunidad de Quilloac
Aguilar Nieves, Cinthya Karina
Sacoto Abad, Raúl Iván
This work proposes a design of preliminary project for a cemetery for the Quilloac community as a result of the inter-institutional agreement of the Autonomous Decentralized Autonomous Government of Cañar (GADIC), the University of Cuenca and the Community.
A systematic review of primary studies on cemeteries and the Cañari Culture (intercultural customs, traditions, Andean cosmovision, funerary rituals) was carried out; and, analyze local and international references of existing infrastructure, to understand the design guidelines for this preliminary project. This research was carried out with the participation of the members of the community of Quilloac applying a survey to key informants, compiling statistical data on birth and mortality to define the architectural programming and subsequent requirements of the Cemetery; respecting existing regulations.
The proposed Draft provides an objective solution to the community Quilloac, with the establishment of a cemetery that will reinvigorate the identity of the Cañari culture, which has gone through processes of interculturality, with benefits for the ecosystem and the health of the community.