Competencias mediáticas audiovisuales en alumnos de colegios de la ciudad de Loja
Marín-Gutiérrez, Isidro
Rivera, Diana
Gonzáles, Mayra
Velásquez, Andrea
Universidad de Cuenca
Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Cuenca
This research includes the study of audiovisual media literacy. We worked with a sample of 23 schools in the city of Loja (Ecuador), with a population of 1,150 students from primary to tenth year of third year of high school. In order to analyze and diagnose the level of subjective audiovisual media competence in young (14-18 years) of public, private and “fiscomisionales” schools. On the other hand it is important to deepen and disseminate this research to be included in the academic curriculum matters relating to communication and the new era we are experiencing. The world is constantly changing and it is necessary that young know how to use the new tools properly and also understand and analyze the information that is transmitted by these sites.