Diagnóstico de los sistemas de manejo de las aguas residuales domésticas en las viviendas e instituciones de la parroquia rural San Pablo de Shaglli, cantón Santa Isabel, Azuay, 2014
Sigüenza Reinoso, Juan Carlos
The deficient system of gray and black water disposal is associated to contagious deceases in human being, animals and plants.
Determine domestic wastewater management systems in people older than 17 living in San Pablo de Shaglli parish, canton Santa Isabel, during 2014.
A descriptive study was done in a 115 person population. Data was obtained by a survey, and was analyzed with SPSS software version 15. Age fluctuated between ages 18-86, and median was 45. 51.3% were men. 63.5% went to elementary school, 3.5 were illiterate, and 6.1% went to college. 52.2% dispose gray water from cooking outdoors; 55.7% of the personal cleaning water also is eliminated outdoors, just as the 6.26% of the laundry grey water, and the 47% dispose black water in septic pit.
More than 50% eliminate grey water from kitchen, personal cleaning and laundry outdoors, and a similar percentage eliminates black water in a septic pit.