Error, incertidumbre, precisión y exactitud, en levantamiento Aerofotogramétrico. Caso de estudio catastro de la parroquia San Carlos del cantón Naranjal
Ortega Ochoa, Leonardo Andres
Torres Borja, Miguel Alfredo
Currently there are multiple tools and topographic equipment that obtain field data with centimeter and millimeter accuracy, this diversity of equipment varies both in uses and costs. Therefore, it is important to question the precision ranges that grant their applicability according to the topographic, environmental, accessibility, project and social conditions of the place where they are used with their cost and time that implies the use of each of them.
The case study presented consists in the survey and update of the Urban Cadastre of the San Carlos Parish Header belonging to the Naranjal Canton of the Guayas province, for this work it has been essential to have a quality Aerial Photography, in the same way has performed a direct survey using Total Station and satellite technology (GPS-GNSS).
It should be taken into account that in the case of the study, social, environmental and topography aspects are involved. Given this reason, an area of 9.41ha has been established for the Aerophotogrammetric survey, describing the procedure in the field and quickly processing for obtaining the Orthophoto at three different resolutions.
The objective is to obtain the precision, efficiency, time and profitability of the surveys with GPS in RTK and Aerophotogrammetric mode at three different heights compared to the survey with total station assumed as the most probable value of the coordinates obtained for the vertices of the apples of the study area.
Finally, in the analysis of the data obtained in the field, the results have been verified and it was determined what type of survey is more precise for the case study, as well as the efficiency and the times used.