Función tiroidea prequirúrgica de los pacientes sometidos a tiroidectomía en el Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga en el periodo enero 2014- diciembre 2015
Solis Pineda, Adriana Maricela
Torres Valverde, Adriana Estefania
Objective: To study the pre-surgical thyroid function of patients undergoing thyroidectomy, in the José Carrasco Arteaga Hospital from January 2014 to December 2015.
Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study, with patients in the hospital José Carrasco Arteaga undergoing thyroidectomy (N: 280) in the period January 2014 - December 2015,that satisfy with the inclusion criteria. For the rise of data we used a form that was filled from the medical records of hospital program AS400, previous the review of the operating room records. Data analysis was conducted in SPSS 22 and Microsoft Excel, it were presented in charts and graphs according to the type of variables.
Results: We found a population with an average of 51 years between 11 and 84 years, according to sex women with 86.79% and 13.21% men with a ratio of 6:1.With TSH values, 15.7% of patients had values below the normal range; 59.3% were found within normal ranges, the rest 25% were higher than the range, According to the values of thyroxine (T4) it was found that 1,7% are below the range, 91,07% Normal value and 7,14% presented a high T4 value.
Conclusion: There are 55.7% thyroid, 6.8% have hypothyroidism, 20% subclinical hypothyroidism, 1.8% hyperthyroidism, 15.7% subclinical hyperthyroidism