| masterThesis
Arte y/o violencia: debates y reflexiones desde el arte y sus víctimas
León Galarza, Soledad Valentina
This thesis offers a description of the abject art, including works, theories and artists, with special attention to those expressions that imply aggression towards animals. It will focus in the search of its psychic, social, political and cultural roots, as well as its effects in the same areas. It will also include an analysis of the installation of violence as an accepted social practice, a description of the art´s role and responsibility in such process, the devaluation of life and its conceptualization as a not transcendental and insignificant fact, and its bio political repercussions.
The study will include an inventory of the aesthetic perspectives that question the possibility of art – violence relationship, as well as arguments towards the link between art and ethics, at the same range as any other human activity.