Evaluación del desarrollo psicomotor en niños y niñas de 0 a 5 años de la comunidad Chunazana, mediante el inventario de desarrollo Battelle, Nabón 2021
Carchi Lalbay, Jessica Nathaly
Crespo Guillen, Paulette Leticia
Background: Psychomotor development is the continuous evolution of functional abilities in children. If certain skills are acquired slowly, abnormally or not at all, it may mean a delayed psychomotor development influenced by various factors. Therefore, Battelle Developmental Inventory is considered a great help in revealing the child's developmental age, allowing timely intervention if necessary.
Objective: To evaluate psychomotor development in children from 0 to 5 years old, in Chunazana community applying Battelle Development Inventory, Nabón 2021.
Methodology: The applied methodology is a quantitative study of prospective descriptive observational type in the community of Chunazana - Nabón. The data collection procedure was carried out through the application of Battelle Development Inventory. For the analysis and tabulation of the results, the used programs were IBM SPSS version 22, Microsoft Excel and Word 2016. The chi 2 statistical test (p ˂ 0.05).
Results: According to the investigated population, the results were divided into male and female sex getting the following results. Male sex that represents the 53.8% got 51.2% the midpoint of psychomotor development and 48.8% in the weak point. At the same time, Female sex that represents the 46.2% got 59.5% in the middle point and 40.5% in the weak point. About the age, 53.8% belong to the preschool level. Thus, 55% of the population studied is at the midpoint of psychomotor development