Actualización de la seroepidemiología de toxoplasma gondii en gatos de la ciudad de Cuenca
Bojorque Pazmiño, Marcia Priscila
Toxoplasmosis is a cosmopolitan disease which pathological agent is a protozoon kwon as toxoplasma gondii, responsible of a variety of clinic signology, morbility and mortality in the different animal species it infects. It is intimately related with the acquisition and possession of domestic cats, also considered synonymous of miscarriage and pregnancy difficulties in the pregnant woman, placing it under the scrutiny of public health programs.
On 1994 in Cuenca city a study was made for the detection of antibodies against
Toxoplasma gondii in felines, resulting in 44.5% of positive cats. Over time cats have became the ideal mascot due to their space, behavior and feeding characteristics. Even more for a population that is increasing every day and prefers because of its life style easy care animals.
On the basis of the said before and on the significant development on the veterinarian professional area dedicated to minor species, we decide to carry out an investigative project which main objective is the actualization of data related to toxoplasma gondii and cats in the city. The lab test used for this investigation differs from the previous essay, blood samples obtained from cats where analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence method because of its specificity and sensitivity.
Results found will allow us to have an updated vision of the serum prevalence of toxoplasmosis. Data obtain on this investigation are minor to the ones obtain two decades ago, due to the increase of awareness acquired on handling, feeding and hygiene by the owners of feline pets which is determining for the development of the disease, also a bigger influx to veterinary centers for before and after information of a recent acquisition or adoption of a cat.