| bachelorThesis
Diseño de un equipamiento conmemorativo basado en principios procedentes de la memoria colectiva para rehabilitar un espacio público histórico. Caso de estudio: Obelisco de Verdeloma, Biblián
Medina Romero, Christian Germán
Morocho Rojas, María José
Public space reveals the identity of a city ; it represents what it was, what it is and what it expects. People can perceive, imagine and remember places and they can, also, from places, identify themselves in their existence, with what they are and with what they have forgotten. Architecture is, therefore, a custodian of memory impregnated in space. In addition, memorycan be used to generate design principles that strengthen the project and elevate it to a level of sensitivity that could be considered poetic.
The present case study is El Obelisco de Verdeloma in Biblián, Ecuador. This place is a reminder of the Verdeloma fight occurred in December 1820, which is part of the libertarian campaign of Quito; that is why the Ecuadorian army built a commemorative monument here one hundred years ago.
However, its use has been limited and its de terioration is notable, for which the municipal, parochial authorities and the members of the community seek its repowering through a viable and sustainable project that improves their quality of life and preserve the historical memory of Verdeloma. In the present work, the Participatory Methodologies established in the book Democracy in Action. A vision from participatory methodologies (2010) are applied to build a proposal together with the community, authorities and thematic experts. In addition, the use of narrative semiotics is proposed to tell the story through architecture.