Identificación, evaluación de los riesgos laborales de origen mecánico, físico, químico, biológico, ergonómico y psicosocial y propuestas de medidas de control en puestos AVSEC del aeropuerto “Mariscal La Mar” de la ciudad de Cuenca
Verdugo Sanmartín, Luis Geovanny
Airport security is a fundamental factor that each airport must have, its main objective is to guarantee the protection of air operations, passengers and aerodrome facilities, in all matters related to be safeguard against acts of unlawful interference in civil aviation.
In order for AVSEC personnel to be able to offer a quality and warm service, it is necessary to know their working conditions internally and thus avoid damage to their health and safety.
Occupational hazards were identified, measured and evaluated in each of the four jobs where the AVSEC personnel carries out their activities, with a 9% exposure of mechanical risks with an average level of intervention, 24% of exposure to physical risks with a low level of intervention, 6% exposure to chemical and biological risks with a low level of intervention, 27% of exposure to ergonomic risks with a medium level of intermediate and 24% of exposure to psychological risks with a low level of intervention.
Finally, preventive control measures are proposed to minimize the risk of exposure at the source, in the transmission medium and finally in the receiver.