Medios y recursos expresivos de la flauta traversa en la interpretación de la obra de grado
Loja Prado, Paúl Marcelo
This research work has as its main objective to show the use of the means and expressive resources of the flute. In turn, providing a theoretical basis about the use of said themes for the interpretation of the musical piece “Ballade – for Flute and Piano” by the composer Frank Martin.
In the course of the study and execution that give us a musical piece, the body develops a series of processes to achieve a determined reaction in the moment of a performance according to the education of different stimulus previously educated, in the reaction itself to its stimulation. Therefore this investigation proposes a series of processes for the development of the interpretation and use of resources from a personal perspective.
According to the musical piece being presented we can see various types of options where one can explore and understand the different possibilities that the flute has to make an interpretation. It is thus that the development of the same will have opinions and concepts conceived from the experience throughout my professional career