Relación clínico- anatomopatológica en pacientes histerectomizadas del departamento de ginecología del Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo, 2019-2020. Azogues – Ecuador
Paladines López, Andrea Estefanía
Background: Hysterectomy is a surgical technique that is performed more frequently, after cesarean section, to treat benign or malignant gynecological pathologies and obstetric causes, it is performed to save the lives of patients with problems related to the uterus.
Objective: Determine the clinical-anatomopathological relation in hysterectomized patients from the gynecology department of the Homero Castanier Crespo Hospital, period 2019-2020 in the city of Azogues.
Methodology: A descriptive, retrospective and observational study was carried out, it was carried out in the department of gynecology and pathological anatomy of the Homero Castanier Crespo Hospital, all the anonymized databases of the patients who were hysterectomized during the period January 2019 to December 2020 were reviewed The data obtained were analyzed with the SPSS V.23 program and Microsoft Excel 2019, using frequency, percentages and measures of central tendency (X ± SD), the results will be presented in simple and double-entry tables..
Results: The mean age of the patients was 46 ± 10.7 years, the majority from urban areas, with primary education and married. The most frequent hysterectomy was total abdominal with 92%. The main preoperative clinical diagnoses were uterine myomatosis with 65%, followed by uterine prolapse and endometrial hyperplasia. The assertiveness relation was 58.9%.
Conclusion: Myomatosis is the main cause of hysterectomy; the assertiveness relationship between the diagnoses does not show a high percentage, since most of the anatomical pieces were not analyzed in that institution.