Percepción de los niños de escuelas públicas de Cuenca de la aceptación y el rechazo de sus cuidadores parentales
Rodríguez Andrade, Yadira Elizabeth
This thesis arises from the research project "Acceptance and parental rejection perceived by children attending schools in the city of Cuenca”, with the purpose of analyzing the behavior of acceptance-rejection and control of the parental caregivers from the perception of children who attend public schools in Cuenca, based on the Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection Theory (Rohner y Carrasco, 2014).
This research responds to a quantitative approach, with a descriptive and cross-sectional scope; the instrument used to obtain information is the Child-Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (Child-PARQ/Control Father/Mother (Rohner 2004). The participants were 47 children who attend seventh grade of Basic General Education in nine public schools, with ages between 11 and 12 years. This research described the expressions of acceptance - rejection and control of the parental caregivers perceived by the children, and also determined differences in these perceptions based on the children´s gender and age.
The results show that children perceive themselves as highly accepted and controlled by their paternal and maternal caretakers. In terms of age, older children (12 years old) perceive more control and less acceptance from their paternal figures. Finally, girls perceive greater control by their mothers or maternal caregivers, unlike boys who perceive greater control by the paternal caregivers.