Estudio de las iglesias de la ciudad de Ibarra, Imbabura-Ecuador
2017-01Registro en:
Coronado Martín, Jesús Angel
An analysis of the current state of the churches in Ibarra, rebuilt from the
year 1868 after the earthquake and the ones build after takes place, is
conducted in order to determine the evolution in terms of parameters such
as the spatial configuration and use of building materials, both inside space
and facade. Records of every church, including floor plans, photographs of
the current state and description of the architectural configuration, structural
materials, main facade, interior finishes and cover are made. Data collection
are done through a bibliographical analysis and field research corroborated
the data obtained in the revised documentation. Exists a chronological
evolution in the typology of churches: basilica, vaulted room with a flat roof
and unique space, as happens on the facades, giving those different
treatments, depending on the time when they were built.