Caracterización de pacientes hospitalizados con insuficiencia cardiaca e insuficiencia renal. Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo. Azogues. 2012-2017
Rosero Moreno, Michele Estephania
Zeas Villalba, Carlos Iván
Background: In inpatients with cardiac insufficiency dysfunction is very frequent renal since around the 50 % they present light dysfunction and the 30 % presents renal moderate harsh dysfunction. This deterioration of the renal function produces a longer time of hospitalization, bigger mortality and hospitable income.
Objective: Characterizing 2012-2017 in the Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo, Quicksilvers to the population with heart failure and renal insufficiency in inpatients during the period.
Methodology: A retrospective study was conducted, descriptive in 453 patients with cardiac insufficiency in the service of clinic during the period 2012-2017.The data of the case histories in a fill-out form took shelter. The statistical analysis v19.0 came true with SPSS.OR to evaluate the risk of decease and Chi-Square for the relation with the ailment of CI and CRI was used.
Results: Patients were predominantly older adults, women in a bigger frequency and principally of mixed racial ancestry, generally of the province of Cañar and something more frequent of urban areas, with low level of instruction. The 60 % were deposited more of 5 days.48 patients perished (10.6 %), being the rate of 8 yearly deceases. The same ones ailment of both pathologies, as well as the aggravation of them, increase the risk of decease considerably, in the first case 2.5 times and in the second 4.6 times.
Findings: Of the 453 patients, 174 (38.4 %) suffered Chronic Renal Insufficiency. The studied patients presented Degree principally II or I of Cardiac Insufficiency. In relation to the IR the Benignant stay predominated.