Plan de activación de marca para el producto neoschool de la Empresa Libélula soft en la zona urbana de Cuenca
Sánchez Mendieta, Adriana Elizabet
Verdugo Rodríguez, Yesica Alexandra
It's a brand activation proposal for product Neoschool Dragonfly Soft Company through unconventional communication strategies .
Besides theoretical grounding , we performed a market study in order to know if the product is recognized , define the target market , know the habits, determine the most valued attributes and characteristics of the product and of the proposed strategies are not conventional media.
Depth interviews were conducted market research and a survey of 120 subjects .
An analysis of frequencies, cross and allowing clusters to obtain the data necessary for the proposal as it is the target market are women between 36-45 years of age with an average income between 350-500 dollars, higher education level of public and private employees performing control their children's academic performance daily.
Also determined the most valuable feature of the product is still that of " Homework Review , Jobs, Notification, Conduct Fouls and their children."
As for product acceptance 60.8% of parents want the product .
Therefore knowing the results of research finally proceeded to work in nontraditional media proposal ie BTL strategy and the organization of an event.