Aislamiento y purificación de hongos micorrícicos asociados a seis especies de orquídeas de la parroquia Molleturo (Azuay) en un piso altitudinal de 1400 a 1800 msnm.
Bermeo Sangurima, Tania Fernanda
Sarmiento Sarmiento, Jessica Maribel
In this project the mycorrhizae fungi was isolated and purified in six orchid species. The samples of roots were taken of: Cyrtochilum serratum, Epidendrum secundum, Odontoglossum sp, Oncidium abortivum, Pleurothallis sp and Sobralia bimaculata, in the Molleturo town, Azuay, from altitude of 1400 to 1800 msnm.
At the beginning it was selected and identified six orchid species to do this investigation. The roots of the species for the study were sampled and treated to obtain the fungal isolates according to the methodology of Zettler (2011) and Zhu (2008). The isolates realized with two mediums: FIM (Fungi Isolation Medium) and PDA (Patata Dextrosa Agar). After that it was monitored the growth in PDA and so finally purifying the fungal culture possibly mycorrhizal.
It got 25 fungal isolates associated to the roots of the Cyrtochilum serratum, Epidendrum secundum, Odontoglossum sp, Oncidium abortivum, Pleurothallis sp and Sobralia bimaculata. The comparison with morphological clues permitted to relate to the isolates with the Tulasnella taxon.
The fungal isolates obtained will be used in the second phase of the project “Estudio de la relación simbiótica orquídea-micorriza en la provincia del Azuay, Ecuador”, in which it will employ tools of molecular biology in order to categorize the taxon and specie. Also this project will contribute to the formation of a bank of microorganism; these will use as possible factors to promote the seed germination and propagation of orchids.