Familias generadoras de autoestima en los hijos adolescentes
Barreto Heras, Gladys Alicia
The family is the central cell, the fundamental prop in order that the children, from tender ages, up to the adolescence, develop, grow in integral form, that is to say biological, psychologically and socially, be unrolled by independence, surrounded with affections, love, fondness, respect, communication and dialog, between other factors that the familiar environment must generate, concretely his progenitors, offer to them all the elements in order that they are forming his personal esteem.
Not to have esteem and personal value, not to believe in yes same, to show insecurity and dependence of other persons, when there is familiar problems related to the organization, structure, emotional climate and familiar dynamics, etc. It can generate disorders related to the learning, behavioral problems, disorders of the supply (anorexia, bulimia …), of anxiety, of the state of mind, increase of the risk of consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
The project has as aim study the principal characteristics of the generating families of autoesteem, as well as the factors appellants who damage the esteem of the young persons who are living through the average adolescence, by means of a brief study on the familiar relations of the students of first of baccalaureate of the College " Technician Chiquintad " of Cuenca, applying the test " How it is your Family ".
Of such a way, that the family is the key piece, the fundamental base that the autoestima generates and forms in all the children, from tender ages, on her there depends the success or failure that the teenagers are going to have, without considering the type of family to which they should belong.