Ruta del maíz: una estrategia cultural para el desarrollo del turismo y la gastronomía cuencana
Bermeo Cando, Franklin Alfredo
Morales Mariño, Vanessa Alexandra
This research project intertwines the culture, gastronomy and tourism of Cuenca canton. The site was chosen to create a “RutadelMaíz” as an alternative route for tourism development.
First, we analyzed gastronomy at a global level, which presented us a cultural mix of different peoples, all with unique cuisines that have now become an essential part of tourism offerings.In fact, many gastronomic routes have been developed worldwide to protect traditional products with the goal of raising awareness of cultural and culinary values through tourism.
In Ecuador, and even more in the canton of Cuenca, corn is a product of vital importance to the culture and cuisine,as it is intimately linked to history, traditions, customs, holidays, religion and everyday life. This “RutadelMaíz”is envisioned to reinforce the importance of this product for the people of Cuenca.