Prevalencia de exostosis óseas. Área de diagnóstico. Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cuenca. 2012-2016
Vásquez Serrano, Melissa Ivette
Vivar Moya, Adriana Leticia
General Objective: Determine the prevalence of bone exostoses in all patients who were treated in the diagnostic area of the Faculty of Dentistry of Cuenca University in the period 2012 - 2016.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive and observational study. A Total of 3316 medical records of patients who attended the Diagnostic Area of the Faculty were analyzed. Data from Clinical Histories that met the inclusion criteria were recorded in a control table; then entered into a Microsoft Excel 2016 database and later to the IBM SPSS 21 software statistical analysis program.
Results: A prevalence of bone exostoses was obtained in 333 cases corresponding to 10% of the patients, indicating a higher prevalence for the range of 23 to 27 years old with 22% and for the female sex with a 65%. According to the location, the most prevalent exostoses were tori palatinus (72%).
Conclusions: Data indicate that the presence of bone exostoses is low in our study, being more prevalent in patients between 23 and 27 years old, presenting a greater predominance for the female sex and for the tori palatinus according to its location.