Prevalencia de consumo de sustancias adictivas y factores asociados en adolescentes de la Unidad Educativa Dr. Gabriel Sánchez Luna. Cojitambo 2019
Guerrero Cabrera, Michelle Carolina
Romero Calle, María Eugenia
Introduction: The use of addictive substances is a global health problem that has many consequences at the individual, family and community level, and it has been seen to be related to some factors.
Objective: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with the consumption of addictive substances in adolescents of the Educational Unit Dr. Gabriel Sánchez Luna of the parish Cojitambo 2019.
Material and methods: this is an observational, analytical, cross-sectional study, conducted with a sample of 127 adolescents. A questionnaire with demographic data, Fantastic test for lifestyles, FF-SIL family functionality test and DSM5 criteria to determine the use of addictive substances was applied. The Excel 2010 and SPSS V15 programs were used for the analysis determining frequencies, percentages, and for the association the Odds Ratio was obtained with its 95% confidence interval, the Chi square and the p-value.
Results: the prevalence of consumption of 33.9% for alcohol, 22% for tabacco, 7.9% for cannabis and 4.7% for cocaine. Association of alcohol consumption and sex, family type (nuclear and extensive), lifestyle was identified. There is also an association between tobacco use and lifestyle. No association was found for migration and family functionality.