Autonomía de los Gobiernos Autónomos Descentralizados municipales
Córdova Barzallo, Elsa Magaly
The theme of this monograph which is central to understanding the parameters of the powers of the autonomous governments Municipal emphasizing the Municipal GAD of Cuenca, which is necessary for a review of the birth of the State. For the development of this monograph me based on four transcendent themes: First with respect to the generalities of the origin of the state, the unitary state in relation to Ecuador, the powers that the Ecuadorian state structure, Executive, Legislative, Judicial, the Transparency and Social Control, and Electoral Administration, mentioned the issue of what appears to be on decentralization of municipal GAD's making a brief comparison with what is the centralization of power, the unitary state and local management and the Ecuadorian Reality address this issue. Second on Decentralization will try what is meant by this process, the importance of social participation for Decentralization, the principles on which are based mainly to decentralize, as mentioned in under the law governing the GAD's, as is the COOTAD, which have dealt in depth on the subject, as well as the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador. Thirdly it will address is what to do with the act of creation, legal status, what are the powers of the central government and which are those of the Municipal GAD's. Fourth point Colombia and decentralization. Finally comment on Competition Traffic in Cuenca.