Caracterización espectroscópica de impedancia de polímeros para el uso en electrodos de electrocardiogramas
Véliz, Bremnen
Huilcapi, Víctor
Cajo, Ricardo
Universidad de Cuenca
Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Cuenca
A comparative impedance study of a polymer type Thermoplastic Polyolefin Elastomer with a commercial universal gel electrode has been made in order to know whether the polymer can be used as dry electrode for the acquisition of cardiac signals. The results of the impedance spectroscopy showed very similar characteristics and that both devices behave as resistors. For instance, at 120 Hz the polymer measured a resistance of 6,3 k and the commercial gel electrode 7,2 k . Further, it was getting a linear relation of current versus voltage, determining resistances of 7 k and 8,2 k for the polymer and commercial gelled electrode respectively. Finally we have concluded that the polymer is applicable to construct dry electrodes.