Elaboración de cocteles de autor con base en bebidas tradicionales de la sierra ecuatoriana
Peñafiel Llanos, Jorge Omar
This intervention project aims to create signature cocktails,
based on the traditional drinks of the Ecuadorian highlands, offering the
opportunity to begin diversification in the use of these popular beverages
in premises. At the same time, initiate in them various processes and combinations
with the intention of promoting and innovating its use in cocktails.
Appropriate techniques and methods have been selected to take advantage of the
characteristics and components of each ingredient that combines the drink,
taking into account the elaboration of classic and molecular cocktails, to
work on the creation and assembly of signature cocktails, without excluding the quality of
the components and the cost of each element used.
Although in Ecuador the drinks are prepared with their own raw materials that
have a qualified cultural heritage, there is no adequate definition of the
technique and the gastronomic method, hence the need to take the recipes of
author at a level of gastronomic experimentation, which allows us to create
different preparations, through creativity, being the means of
expression of whoever conceives them, transmitting a meaning and a link with the
This type of development allows to leave the classics and manages to integrate ingredients in
different types of procedures, enriching the knowledge and use of
beverages designed in our country, which promotes the consumption of our
Keywords: Gramineae. Methods. Techniques. Chicha. Guarapo. Ovo.
Babaco. Ishpingo. Capuli. Cocktail. blueberry.