Estudios del comportamiento peatonal en los cantones: Pasaje y Santa Rosa, provincia de El Oro
Guillén Zambrano, Diego Andrés
In the cities of Pasaje and Santa Rosa, located in the province of El Oro, Republic of Ecuador, we observed that a large proportion of pedestrians using the roads to travel, instead of using the sidewalks. The objective of this research is to study pedestrian behavior in the mentioned cities. To achieve this purpose, this paper uses a research methodology consisting of observation and measurement techniques for processing data and a final analysis.
In a pilot route, a section was selected in each city studied, which should be representative of the behavior of the pedestrian zone. In this road section studies traffic flow and pedestrian counts were performed. In addition, interviews were conducted to pedestrians, whose objective was to determine why some pedestrians walking along the roads without using the sidewalks, and by analyzing possible solutions was determined.
The results show that pedestrians use the sidewalk because they have barriers that prevent them from walking satisfactorily, therefore use of the driveway area to walk as changing your perception to accidents. Another important factor is the road infrastructure due to technical criteria sidewalks built without modifying the overall behavior of pedestrians.