Tecnología sostenible y eficiencia al diseño de una vivienda
Matute Oleas, María José
The energy crisis and climate change are two major problems our planet is facing , it is our duty as future architects , will change this situation by replacing the current modes and other systems that provide valid solutions for the present and the future.
That is why this thesis seeks to make a contribution to knowledge through the study of concepts and criteria of bioclimatic architecture , Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Technology based on chapters 13 and 14 of the Reporting Standard Construction.
After the investigation, a blueprint for a family home in the parish of Puembo near Quito is proposed.
To start , an analysis of climatic, topographic, views, vegetation, and a search of local material resources that may be applicable to the project, in post to achieve a friendly project with the environment was conducted, and according to the knowledge acquired a proposal that meets the optimum livability and comfort is raised , it perfectly adapts to the ground, taking advantage of new technologies and systems that help to promote the proper use of resources and respect for the quality of life of people and the environment.
The proposed design concepts, materials , building systems and technologies , always thinking about achieving balance and harmony with the environment and takes advantage of renewable energy and climate for sustainable design and energy efficient.