Nivel de estrés de las madres de niños y niñas hospitalizados en el área de neonatología del Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo, Azogues 2022
Buitron Vera, Amy Rossana
Meneses Sanmartín, Janneth Fernanda
The hospitalization of a newborn creates a psychological impact on mothers due to the interruption of the mother-child bond. It distorts the parents’ expectations of having a healthy child, includes stress, anxiety and even depression. The role of the Early Stimulator in this process is to help parents create this bond.
To identify the level of stress of mothers with children hospitalized in the neonatal area of the Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo, 2022.
Observational, descriptive and prospective study, with a sample of 121 mothers with children hospitalized in Neonatology, to whom were applied the forum of date recollection and the Parental Stress Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care unit. Processing the data in the following programs: IBM SPSS version 25 Spanish, Microsoft Excel 2019, calculating: mean, mode, median and standard deviation.
Of the population studied, 52, 1% of the mothers were between 18-26 years old, the 38, 8% live in a free union. Mothers with an education at high school level make up 3%, 60. In general, 62% of the mothers present a serious level of stress.
The mother who presents the greatest stress are those who live in a consensual union, being the mothers between 22-26 years old with more stress, having a level of education mostly of high school, predominating the level of serious stress in the study.