Georeferenciación, análisis y función del patrimonio toponímico del cantón Cuenca: parroquia rural de Nulti
Zambrano Molina, Martha Verónica
This essay is entitled Georeferencing, Analysis and feature Toponymic of the heritage of Canton Cuenca: Rural Parish Nulti, focuses on describing geographical factors like: location, climate, temperature, soil, hydrography, vegetation,wildlife, demographics. Similarly geological formations between Yunguilla, Tarqui, Loyola,Biblian and Azogues, and geomorphology focused on the analysis of the different forms of the crust of the parish. The story includes another important aspect to deepen thematic toponym. Parish, analyzing the etymology of the different languages as the Cañari, Quichua, Spanish and even vowels composed between them.
Finally attaching the proper documentation about the topic of patrimony inmaterial of our contry, meanwhile a proposition about the toponym of our culture.