Evaluación de imágenes satelitales de precipitaciones GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) a escala mensual para el Azuay
Cabrera Atiencia, Eduardo Benigno
Precipitation measurements are essential for extreme weather events prediction and a broad range of applications such as agriculture, climate change and energy generation. In the Ecuadorian Andes, precipitation is highly variable, mainly because of the topographical conditions. In addition, low density of monitoring networks makes difficult spatial representation. In this context, satellite images are an important tool to estimate precipitation. However, before their use is needed to evaluate them. The objective of this study is to evaluate precipitations estimates from the GPM IMERG V03 algorithm on a monthly basis. It uses data sets of 10 rain gauges from the ecohydrological observatories of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Sciences (iDRHiCA). The study area is Azuay province and the analysis is performed for the period April 2014 to January 2015. Results showed that IMERG V03 qualitatively estimates the monthly precipitation in Azuay. According to statistical errors and detection rates, it was found that quantitatively, IMERG properly ’ estimate precipitation, except for Susudel and San Fernando stations. IMERG indicates a promising prospect of hydrological utility. It anticipates reasonably products as an improvement over its TMPA predecessor, given its ability to detect light rain and solid precipitation. As more IMERG data with new versions are released, more studies about the water and climate are going to be needed to explore future IMERG potentials.