Estrategia comunicativa que utiliza Revista VistalSur para promocionar el Corredor Turístico Santa Bárbara
Puglla Suquilanda, Robert Marcelo
The magazine VistalSUR’s strategy to promote the Santa Bárbara Tourist Corridor in Ecuador’s southern region and in the major cities of Ecuador is well documented. From september 2010 to july 2013 VistalSUR has published six articles: The Straw-weavers create art with their hands in the Azuay cantons (counties) of Sígsid and Chordeleg. Parades and costumes for San Chavita, Sígsig. Carnaval: an explosion of music and color in the Santa Bárbara Tourist Corridor. Ikat shawls, an ancient textile art in Gualaceo. Three Lakes: the Green heart of Chordeleg. Toquilla straw, a magical tradition in Gualaceo, Chordeleg and Sígsig.
All these reports total 28 and a half pages of content. There have been 52.000 copies of these magazines distributed throughout the southern region and the tourist areas of Guayaquil and Quito as well as at major tourist markets throughout Ecuador.