Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas del consumo de alcohol en los habitantes de la comunidad de Quilloac, Cañar 2015
Cuji Torres, Franklin Oswaldo
Naula Yascaribay, German Bolívar
Sánchez Guachun, Angélica Fernanda
Main objective: To determine knowledge, attitudes and practices on alcohol in the rural inhabitants Quilloac, Canar 2015.
Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted and a survey with the nature and objectives of the study in a sample of 228 people en rural areas aged 15-65 years, data were transcribed to the digital base was applied SPSS.
Results: The results of this study are used to identify the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of risk, alcohol consumption environment in the inhabitants of the Quilloac community. We have 228 people surveyed 47.8% were male and 52.1% were women. With regard to knowledge 80.3% knows the subject, with respect to 19.7% that unknown. With related attitudes 69.6% have positive attitudes towards alcohol consumption and 30.4% negative attitudes. Speaking of practices that we have adequate practices 66.67% and 33.33% had improper practices.
Conclusion: The knowledge that the inhabitants of the community Quilloac about alcoholism in their minority are improper, positive attitudes towards alcohol consumption in a high percentage attitudes observed, however there is a low range of improper practices, however the problem on alcohol intake is latent in the community