Metagenómica de las comunidades microbianas en suelos hortoflorícolas bajo sistemas de manejo orgánico y convencional
Llivicura Yunga, Mirian Alexandra
Pañi Arévalo, María Piedad
Microorganisms, especially fungi and bacteria, are very important for the functioning of agricultural soils, mediating important processes in the maintenance of the soil as an ecosystem. Soil microbial communities are extremely diverse; however, the characterization and understanding of this diversity remains limited due to the non-culturability of ~99% of the microorganisms inhabiting soils.
The present study was carried out in the Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Agricultural Sciences Faculty at the University of Cuenca, with objective to determine whether there are significant differences in the composition of the microbial communities in vegetable and flower soils under organic and conventional management. The work was carried analyzing 10 pairs of soil samples from the rhizospheric zone (10cm), from which the metagenomic DNA was extracted, the 16S ribosomal DNA and the ITS region were amplified by PCR with universal primers and through the application of the DGGE technique, images of the diversity profiles were obtained. From these profiles we estimated the diversity and bacterial composition and fungal. The results obtained do not show significant differences at the level of the microbial communities between the two management systems evaluated. In addition to these data, we analyzed the physicochemical properties of the sampled soils yielding again no significant differences between both management system