La recaída del logos en mito y el mito salvífico de la modernidad europea
2011Registro en:
1390-0862, e 2661-6912
Leon Pesantez, Catalina Soledad
This work refers to the transition from the myth to the logos,taking intoaccount certain considerations of the Dialectic of the Illustration;however,it does not concentrate on a detailed analysis of its subject matter, but it de-parts from it to reflect on the transit of the logos to the illustrated myth of the reason within the historical conditions of a “discovered” America; also, itconsiders the hypothesis that the origin of the illustrated myth of the Latin-American modernity is articulated around the notions of reason, progress andsalvation within the perspective of showing a possible “coincidence” betweenthe Dialectic of the Illustration(Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno)and the Critic of the Modernity “myth”(Enrique Dussel).