Imaginarios docentes de infancia y su influencia en la participación estudiantil
Avila Matute, Fanny Patricia
Benavidez Tello, María Isabel
In this monographic work of search, analysis and synthesis of bibliographic information, two categories broach: childhood imaginaries and student participation. Having these categories a great relationship, defines the childhood imaginaries as a social construction of people, composed of beliefs, ideologies, attitudes and values on children, which varies according to the context in which each subject is located. While, student participation refers to the permanent process of dialogue between children and adults,in which students are the protagonists in making important decisions.
In the first section we present the general conceptualization of the imaginary term, to be focused on the imaginary expression of childhood, then to analize the change of childhood imaginaries over time and finally to describe the childhood imaginaries that currently have teachers. The second section refers to the student participation in the classroom, some key elements are presented, their importance and levels thus improving the understanding of the term.
Finally, the third chapter describes the influence of childhood imaginaries that have teachers about student participation in the classroom. With this bibliographical review, it is concluded that according to the childhood imaginaries that the teacher has on his students, will be the one that defines the level of participation that occurs in the classroom.