Diagnóstico de la situación turística del biocorredor Yanuncay mediante la metodología del marco lógico
Astudillo Luzuriaga, Pedro Alberto
Albarracín Córdova, Jennifer Karina
At the end of the sixties, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), promoted the creation of a new methodology for the evaluative processes resolution.
Every day is more common to use this methodology for public sector investment in planning and project management. Several NGOs and international cooperation entities have adopted this methodology for planning and project development in order to support the improvement and manage economic and social processes for the performing projects of governments and the private sector.
Has been seen the need to diagnose the territory known as Biocorredor Yanuncay, in order to generate a change in the productive matrix of the communities involved; it is therefore proposed to perform an analysis of the touristic problems, facilitating the communication between the involved parties through the logical framework methodology; which allows to structure contents based on various matrices identifying problems as well as, objectives and the possible alternatives for solutions to a given problem.
According to the Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES),
The methodology of Logical Framework is a tool to facilitate the process of conceptualization, design, implementation and evaluation of projects. Its emphasis is focused on the objectives orientation, the orientation to beneficiary groups and facilitate the participation and communication between stakeholders (13).