Determinar el perfil del visitante del valle de Yunguilla, provincia del Azuay
Sarmiento Tacuri, Janeth Fernanda
This work is to "Determine the visitor profile of Yunguilla Valley, province of Azuay" it is important to understand the behavior of visitors, by studying the preferences, tastes, tourist services used as well as their motivations displacement.
Yunguilla Valley that according to their geographical, landscape resources, and welcoming climate makes many people choose this site as summering space, it is important to know the characteristics that define the profile of the visitor.
To give compliance to the stated objective has used the quantitative method by survey technique has also been used to systematize information and direct observation in the sights of the sector.
The purpose of this research is to understand the characteristics of the visitors visiting the Yunguilla Valley, information that can be used by the different actors of tourism at local and national level for planning and strategic decision making in the tourism sector.