Frecuencia y referenciación geográfica de muestras de leche positivas a brucelosis en fincas del Azuay
Mainato Aguayza, Edison Alfonso
Brucellosis is a disease caused by Gram negative coccobacilli bacteria of the genus Brucella of a zoonotic nature that causes abortions, infertility, metritis, neonatal mortality among other complications, especially affecting mammals including man. The objective of this work was to generate georeferenced information on farms seropositive to bovine brucellosis in the province of Azuay by using the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in raw milk samples obtained from 153 farms that supply the Parmalat company for the creation of epidemiological maps and collection routes, subsequently the relationship between seropositivity with respect to risk factors was evaluated: origin of the replacement animals, reproduction system and origin of the drinking water of the animals . The results obtained showed that there is a relative frequency of 7.8% of positives (12 farms). In the analysis of the relationship between the elements (p> 0.05) it was found that the only risk factor that has a significant relationship is the origin of the replacement animals, concluding that the use of the indirect ELISA test in milk in conjunction with programs georeferencing allows us to obtain efficient, rapid diagnoses at low costs and with great epidemiological utility.