Análisis de dotación de áreas verdes públicas en la ciudad de Cuenca
Gómez Vizhñay, Gloria Estefania
Mendoza Bermeo, Cynthia Carlita
The urban green areas system constitutes a fundamental
factor in the structure of the city since they are considered
vital spaces within it. Their function since ancient
times responds to the condition of being “the lungs of
the city” because they provide cities with significant
environmental benefits. However, without abandoning
their main concept, these areas have adopted characteristics
that allow and motivate the recreation of the
inhabitants of urban centers; requiring the development
criteria for their planning and location.
The present work had the objective of quantifying and
evaluating the system of urban green areas in the city
of Cuenca. This urban center has a particular structure
with morphological, physical and social characteristics
of the city. Due to this, the strategies and criteria
proposed in the research respond to these conditions.
In order to fulfill the proposed objective, a calculation
methodology was identified which studies this system
in three stages.
In the first stage of conceptualization, the definition,
classification and coverage range of green spaces
were established. In the following stage called method,
the variables to evaluate were defined, as well
as the parameters and instruments to obtain the data.
And finally, in the last stage the analysis of all the components
of the urban green areas system was carried
out, to present the obtained results later.
The Urban Green Index (UGI) of the city of Cuenca is
7,95 m2/ inhabitant. In addition, other results obtained
are of the indexes of each typology of the green
areas studied. Also, based on the different analysis
(general, lands¬cape, environmental, and coverage),
problems were identified that, among other aspects,
show the lack of planning of this system for the peripheral
areas of the city, were new residential uses are
being located.
The research concludes that the coverage of green
areas is not balanced, and this shows the lack of space
in certain areas and parishes of the city, as well as
the scope of the different typologies that make up the
system of green areas.