Cáncer de Mama y su asociación con la densidad mamaria Incrementada, visualizada por Mamografía en el Instituto del Cáncer Solca. Cuenca 2013 – 2015
Mina Romero, Elizabeth Del Carmen
Background: Currently, breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the world, representing the fifth cause of cancer death. In Ecuador in 2012 it ranked first in incidence with 2298 cases and the third place as cause of death.
Objectives: To determine the association between breast cancer and increased mammary density visualized by mammography, in women between 45 and 70 years old, at the Cancer Institute SOLCA Cuenca between January 2013 and December 2015.
Method and technique: A retrospective study of cases and controls was carried out. The mammographic plates of patients diagnosed with breast cancer confirmed by histopathological study and of patients without breast cancer were analyzed to determine the mammary pattern according to the current classification of BIRADS, at the Cancer Institute SOLCA-Cuenca, period 2013-2015 . The statistical relationship between high-risk mammary density (C and D) and breast cancer was established. Radiological findings were also analyzed and described in all cases and controls.
Results: The average age was 55.31 years ± 7.62. The main mammographic findings in the cases were the presence of irregular, hyperdense and spiculated nodules; focal asymmetry, architecture distortion, pleomorphic fine calcifications of grouped distribution, cutaneous thickening and ganglia of suspicious morphology. Mammary density C and D increased the risk of developing breast cancer OR 8.58 (IC 3.5 – 20.60 p=0.000).
Conclusion: Mammary density C and D increases the risk of breast cancer